Latest News
Celebrating 5 Years of mySocialSecurity App
It has been five years since we launched mySocialSecurity App to offer more secure and convenient self-service options online. Users have accessed the various secure and convenient self-service...
The Appointment of an Attorney for Pensions and Benefits
Overview This appoinment grants authorisation to a trusted individual (the Attorney) to act on behalf of a social security beneficiary. The Attorney can handle matters related to pensions and...
The Importance of keeping your Banking and Contact Details up-to-date with the Department of Social Security
The Department for Social Security in Malta administers social security benefits, including pensions and allowances, ensuring eligible beneficiaries receive timely payments. To ensure accurate...
Secure Browsing Habits: Your Guide to Safe Online Navigation
The internet is a vast and sometimes treacherous landscape. While it offers a world of information and convenience, it also presents a range of security risks. Secure browsing habits are...
Important Notice – Once-only Grant
Applications for the below grants will be accepted by the Department of Social Security until 31/07/2024. Once-only Grant – Corporations and Entities in the Public Sector – view information...
Important Notice – Children’s Allowance – Special Student Allowance
Application from parents of students or by eligible students attending a post-secondary course at a Private Education Institution licenced by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority...