Social Assistance
A Social Assistance may be awarded to a person who is responsible for the household who may:
- be incapable of working due to medical reasons; or
- cannot engage in employment due to having care and custody of own children, and is legally or de facto separated.
What you’ll get
A Social Assistance is paid every four (4) weeks in advance.
If the person responsible for the household is living on his/her own, Social Assistance will be awarded in his/her own right. However, if the household is formed of other family members, the person responsible for the household will be awarded Social Assistance which will include entitlement for other eligible family members forming part of that household. On the other hand, if a household member leaves, the rate may be deducted accordingly.
In the case where the person responsible for the household was in receipt of Unemployment Assistance and is now registering under Part 2 (after being struck off from registering under Part 1 of the Employment Register and has lodged an appeal with National Employment Authority), the spouse may be eligible to receive Social Assistance Board. The award of Social Assistance Board is subject to approval by a Board appointed in accordance to the Social Security Act (Cap. 318.).
In case of an applicant living in a rented property, one euro and sixteen cents (€1.16) per week is added to the Social Assistance applicable rate, being rent allowance.
Any change in circumstance, such as change of address, birth of child, changes in household composition, medical board decision, death or court procedures, is to inform immediately the Income Support and Compliance Division, as this may affect the rate of benefit payment.
Beneficiaries who are over twenty-three (23) years of age and who enrol to a University or MCAST course will continue receiving the assistance as long as the stipend and other ancillary benefits received do not exceed the difference between the Social Assistance and the National Minimum Wage. In case it exceeds, only the amount exceeding the National Minimum Wage will be deducted from the Social Assistance entitlement.
Please click here for a Schedule of Benefits Rates.
General eligibility criteria:
- The applicant is the person responsible for the household.
- The applicant is not in employment and cannot register for work under Part 1 of the JobsPlus Unemployment Register.
- The applicant must satisfy the Capital Means Test. Capital resources for a couple must not exceed twenty-six thousand euro (€26,000) and sixteen-thousand euro (€16,000) for a single person.
- When one of the spouses attains the age of sixty (60) years, the Age Pension is awarded and difference in Social Assistance is issued to the other spouse. Social Assistance application for the difference in rate has to bear the name of person responsible for household.
- Any income deriving from Rents, Bank Interest from Capital, Stocks and Shares, Alimony / Child Maintenance and any other Income derived, must not exceed the maximum Social Assistance rate as per household.
Documentation required
General documentation:
- Latest Water and Electricity bill, showing the number of members in the household.
- Recent Bank Statements of all local and foreign bank accounts.
- Relative documents regarding value of any Stocks/Shares/Bonds and the income derived thereof.
- Market value of any property in Malta and/or abroad, which is not the house of residence.
- Recent rent receipt/rent agreement if applicant’s house of residence is rented, showing details of who is making the rent payments; or filling in of the Annex 2 – Rent Declaration form by the landlord. Click here to download this document.
- Rent agreement if rent is derived from other properties.
- Filling in of the Annex 2 – Corroboration document if the applicant resides with third parties. Click here to download this document.
- Copy of driving licence/s of person responsible for household and, if applicable, that of the spouse/partner.
- In case of separation or divorce, separation or divorce contracts dated and signed, showing maintenance being received need to be provided.
- For separation cases where the separation contract is not yet finalised, a legal document by the claiming parent’s legal representative, naming the parent who has effective care and custody (de facto) of the child/children with full children’s details, providing also effective date of care and custody. This declaration must also include certification on whether maintenance is being paid to the same parent claiming the effective care and custody of the child/children.
- Recent payslip of spouse/partner if in employment.
- Document showing stipend being received and acceptance letter, in the case of applicant is enrolled at a University or MCAST course.
- Medical Declaration (Annex 4) for incapacity to work, filled in by a Medical Doctor. Click here to download this document.
- Joint Declaration if there is a request by the dependent on the person responsible for the household (Annex 5). Click here to download this document.
- Copy of Appeal Letter addressed to the National Employment Authority (NEA) referred to in Annex 5, if applicable.
- Acknowledgement Letter from the National Employment Authority (NEA), if applicable.
How to apply
Fill in and submit the application online.