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Public Consultation Online

​​In the spirit of open and transparent governance, the Ministry for Social Policy and Children’s Rights, encourages the general public, civil society, organisations, trade unions, business organisations, political parties, governmental institutions and all others that would like to contribute to participate in the process of public consultation online.​

Active Consultations

Closed Consultations

Local Adoption Law

Social Regulatory Standards fo​r ​Domestic Violence Residential Services​

​Social Regulatory Standards for Do​mestic Violence Community-Based Services​

​Social Regulatory Standards for Outreach and Community-Based Services​​

​​Social Regulatory Standards for High Dependency Chronic Care Services for Older Persons​

​Social Regulatory Standards for Office-Based Services for Children in Alternative Care​

​Social Regulatory Standards for Residential Services for Children in Alternative Care​​​

​Social Regulatory Standards for Residential Services offered to Persons with Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling-related Problems​​​​

​Social Regulatory Standards for Office-Based Services offered to Persons with Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling-related Problems​​​​

​National Adoption Strategy for Chil​dren and their Families (2019 – 2022)​​

​Social Regulatory Standards – Day Centres Services for Persons with Disability

​Social Regulatory Standards – Respite Services for Persons with Disability​​

​Renting as a housing alternative

​Social Regulatory Standards – ​Residential Services for Persons with Disability

Child Protection (Alternative Care) Act

​Care Workers Act​

​National Standards for the Child Adoption Process

National Alcohol Policy​

​Strategy for Retirement and Financial Capability, Knowledge, Planning, Action 2017-2019​

​Strengthening the Pension System – Strategy for an Adequate and Sustainable Maltese Pension System​

​A Positive Parenting Policy for Malta

​Minimum Standards for Care Homes for Older People​​

​Ningħaqdu Kontra l-Faqar​​

Public Consultations by Other Ministries