Income Support & Compliance Division
Director General (Income Support and Compliance)
The Director General (Income Support and Compliance) is responsible for the initiation, coordination and monitoring of activities, as applicable, related to compliance and investigation matters. He is also responsible to the execution of ministerial policies in the area of means tested benefits and assistances. In general, the Director General (Income Support and Compliance) is also responsible to oversee the assessment and payment of non-contributory benefits, pensions and assistances in accordance with the provisions of the Social Security Act (Cap. 318.).
Director (Income Support and Investigations)
The Director (Income Support and Investigations) is accountable to the Director General (Income Support and Compliance). His role is to provide coordination and monitoring of activities, as applicable, related to compliance and investigation matters. The Director (Income Support and Investigations) is also responsible to the execution of ministerial policies in the area of means tested benefits and assistances. He is responsible for the assessment and payment of non-contributory benefits, pensions and assistances in accordance with the provisions of the Social Security Act (Cap. 318.).