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Statutory Bonuses (DSS)


A beneficiary who is in receipt of Social Assistance, Non-Contributory or Contributory Pension, is entitled for the payment of Statutory Bonuses.

What you’ll get

A beneficiary is entitled for:

  • A payment of €135.10 for each Bonus (6MBO) paid in May/June and November/December.
  • Two-thirds of the March and September Bonus (SPBO) paid as €3.12 weekly.

A beneficiary who is receiving a Contributory Pension (Retirement Pension; Two-Thirds Pension; Widow/er’s Pension; Invalidity Pension) or a Non-Contributory Pension (Age Pension) is entitled for:

  • A Cost of Living Bonus – when a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) is announced in the budget, (one third) of the cost of living increase is paid as a pension cost of living bonus (CLBO) and the remainder of the increase (two-thirds) is added to the pension rate.

Application Requirements

A beneficiary is automatically entitled for the payment of the statutory bonuses. If such bonuses are not issued, call Freephone 153 or at the nearest hub to report the issue or by contacting us by clicking here and selecting Statutory Bonuses from drop-down list under Benefits and Services option.


General eligibility criteria:

  • A beneficiary in receipt of Social Assistance, Non-Contributory or Contributory Pension.
  • Not receiving part or full statutory bonuses from employment but in receipt of a benefit/pension.
  • A beneficiary is not entitled to the cost of living bonus if he not in receipt of a Contributory/Non-Contributory Age Pension.
  • A beneficiary is not entitled to the full cost of living bonus if he is entitled to a reduced contributory pension.