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Children’s Allowance – Child between 16 and 21 years of age


Benefit is paid to married, civil union, and cohabitating couples (whether in registered cohabitation or not), single, separated, or parents with refugee status who have care and custody of children aged between sixteen (16) to twenty-one (21) years.

When children turn sixteen (16) years and are in full-time education, not receiving a stipend, or registering for work for the first time, their parents may be entitled to receive this Allowance. This allowance is not due to parents who were originally in receipt of children’s allowance flat rate.

What you’ll get

The payment for this allowance is issued every thirteen (13) weeks in advance.

Please click here for a Schedule of Benefits Rates.


General eligibility criteria:

  • One of the parents should be a citizen of Malta or married to a Maltese Citizen or is a citizen of a European Union Member State, or a citizen of a member country of the European Social Charter, or has a refugee status and ordinarily resides in Malta or Gozo.
  • Applicants should be residents of Malta for at least three months before applying for this allowance.
  • The parents’ declared income should not exceed twenty-seven thousand four hundred and thirty four euro (€27,434), which is based on income backdated by two (2) years from the current year.
  • The child must be between sixteen (16) and twenty-one (21) years of age and is either in full-time education without receiving a stipend, or registering for work for the first time. 

Documentation required

General documentation:

  • In case of full time students, declaration signed and stamped by the Head of School confirming that no stipend is being issued. Click here to download the declaration.
  • In case that child is registering for work for the first time, and has not worked ever since, a document from Jobsplus showing date when child started registering for work is requested.

How to apply

Fill in and submit the application online.