Free Medical Aid (Pink Form)
Free Medical Aid (Pink Form) is awarded to an eligible person and is means tested, or a person who is in receipt of Social Assistance; Social Assistance for Single Parents, Unemployment Assistance; Non Contributory Age Pension or Increased Severe Disability Assistance and Severe Disability Assistance. Persons aged eighty (80) years or over, and in receipt of the Supplementary Allowance, are automatically eligible for the Free Medical Aid (Pink Form).
Moreover, Free Medical Aid, more known as the Pink Form, may be awarded to a fostered child living with a family or a student attending full-time education for which school attendance is confirmed by means of a document from the faculty / or educational institution.
What you’ll get
The person responsible for the household may be entitled to such Free Medical Aid as is specified such as drugs, spectacles, dentures and other prosthetic aids as in the opinion of the Chief Government Medical Officer.
General eligibility criteria:
- Free Medical Aid is awarded to the person responsible for the household.
- The Capital resources for a couple must not exceed twenty-six thousand euro (€26,000) and sixteen-thousand euro (€16,000) for a single person.
- Income from gainful employment for a single employed person must not exceed two-hundred and twenty-one euro and seventy-eight cents (€221.78) per week (plus additional eight euro and fifteen cents (€8.15) per every additional person). Moreover, income from gainful employment for a couple must not exceed two-hundred and twenty-nine euro and ninety-three cents (€93) per week (plus an additional eight euro and fifteen cents (€8.15) per every additional person in addition to the couple living within the same household).
- Income for a single pensioner must not exceed two-hundred and eight euro and thirty-four cents (€34) per week and for a couple pensioners, income must not exceed two-hundred and thirty-two euro and twenty-five cents (€232.25) per week.
The Free Medical Aid (Pink Form) is renewable as follows:
- On a yearly basis, for an applicant over the age of sixty (60) years, and for an applicant receiving Increased Severe Disability Assistance and Severe Disability Assistance.
- Every four (4) months, for an applicant under sixty (60) years of age, if eligible.
Yellow Card (Schedule V):
A person who is suffering from a chronic disease may be eligible for a Yellow Card (Schedule V). The Yellow Card (Schedule V) is not means tested and is issued by the Department of Health and not by the Department of Social Security. The related Department of Health information can be accessed by clicking here.
Documentation required
General documentation:
- Bank Statements of all local and foreign bank accounts.
- Relative documents re value of any Stocks/Shares/Bonds and the income derived thereof.
- Market value of any property or share of property in Malta and/or abroad (not being the house of residence).
- Copy of latest rent receipt or rent agreement, if house of residence is rented.
- Copy of rent agreement if rent is derived from other properties.
- Relative statements / documents regarding income derived from foreign pensions.
- Copy of payslip if applicant and/or spouse or partner is in employment.
How to apply
An applicant needs to visit one of hubs.