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Your Feedback: The Key to Our Services Evolution

01/06/2024 | Latest News

The Department of Social Security (DSS) is committed to provide high-quality digital services to all who require them, designed and delivered in a seamless manner to any citizen at any time. Technology plays a significant role in making this possible. Technology is no longer just a tool for automating back-office functions and improving efficiency, it has taken on a transformative role in the design and delivery of online services.

The Department of Social Security values your feedback on our online services. Your insights help us understand what works well and what could be improved. We’re committed to designing services that are easy to use, efficient, and responsive to your needs.

How Your Input Helps

  • Identifies Improvements: Your suggestions identify areas where we can enhance your experience.
  • Inspires New Services: Ideas for new services can lead to innovative solutions that better serve our community.
  • Promote Excellence: Your input motivates us to strive for excellence in every aspect of service design

Be Part of the Change

We encourage you to share your thoughts with us. Every piece of feedback is a step towards creating more user-friendly and effective services. By understanding your experiences, we can tailor our services to better suit your needs.

Take Action

Don’t hesitate to reach out. Your voice matters, and together, we can shape the future of social security services. Share your feedback and join us in enhancing our digital services. Click here to give your feedback.