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In-Work Benefit


The In-Work Benefit is aimed to assist couples and single parents who are in a gainful occupation and have children under the age of twenty-three (23) years, who are still dependent and living with them.

This benefit is not applicable to those who are presently in receipt of the Tapering of Benefits.

What you’ll get

The In-Work Benefit is paid quarterly on the first Saturday for the months of January, April, July and October and each payment covers the previous quarter. Payments are deposited directly to the claimant’s bank account. To view or update your banking details as held by the Department of Social Security, please click here where you are requested to authenticate with your e-ID.

Please click here for a Schedule of Benefits Rates.

You may make use of an online Calculator to calculate your potential In-Work Benefit entitlement.


General eligibility criteria as from 1st January 2025 till 31st December 2025:

  • An applicant must have children under twenty-three (23) years of age, living within the household.
  • Declared income is calculated on Basic Year 2023. However, FS3s and/or Profit and Loss Accounts for the years 2023 and 2024 of all full-time and/or part-time employments are required for New Applicants only.
  • A Single parent in gainful employment that earns more than €6,600 and less than €23,000 can be eligible for a maximum payable rate of up to €1,550 yearly per child. Those earning between €23,001 and €35,000 will be eligible for the rate of €250 yearly per child. There is no need to apply for the benefit as this will be done through an automatic process.
  • A couple, who are both in gainful employment whose collective net income from employment is greater than €10,000 and is less than €35,000 and where the net income of one of the parents does not fall below €3,000, can be eligible for a maximum payable rate of up to €1,550 yearly per child. Those earning between €35,001 and €50,000 will be eligible for the rate of €250 yearly per child. There is no need to apply for the benefit as this will be done through an automatic process.
  • A couple of whom only one of the couple is in gainful employment and whose net income from employment is greater than €6,600 and less than €26,000 can be eligible for a maximum payable rate of up to €780 yearly per child. Those earning between €26,001 and €35,000 will be eligible for the rate of €200 yearly per child. There is no need to apply for the benefit as this will be done through an automatic process.
  • If you had change in circumstances, such as separation, marriage, cohabitation (whether registered cohabitation or not), loss or commencement of employment, or the children that you were receiving the benefit for have left the household, it is important that the Department is informed immediately. Failure to do so, result in an overpayment which would then need to be refunded.

Note: Net income from employment means all income derived from gainful occupation (such as salary, overtime, commission, fringe benefits, etc) and deducting the amount paid as social security contributions and income tax.

Documentation required

General documentation:

  • Only new applicants are required to submit documentation relating to their income from all full-time and/or part-time employments for the years 2023 and 2024.
  • FS3s in the case of employed persons and Profit and Loss Accounts in the case of self-occupied persons.
  • There is no need to submit an application or any documentation for this benefit if you were paid the In-Work Benefit during 2024.

How to apply

Fill in and submit the application online.