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Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Who is eligible for social security benefits in Malta?
Answer: Non-Maltese residents who are legally residing and registered as working in Malta may be eligible for social security benefits. Eligibility depends on various factors, including the type of work permit and duration of stay.

Question: Are there any specific benefits available for non-Maltese residents?
Answer: Non-Maltese residents may be eligible for various benefits, including unemployment benefits, sickness benefits, and family benefits, depending on their circumstances and social security contributions.

Question: What documents are required for applying for social security benefits?
Answer: Typically, you will need your work permit, proof of local residence, identification documents, and any other relevant documents specific to the benefit you are applying for.

Question: Can I transfer my social security benefits from my home country to Malta?
Answer: This depends on bilateral agreements between Malta and your home country. You should check with the social security office in both countries to understand the process and requirements.

Question: How can I apply for social security benefits as a non-Maltese resident?
Answer: You can apply for social security benefits online through the mySocialSecurity app using e-ID, which is issued by the Maltese government agency Identità. Ensure you have all necessary documents, such as your work permit and proof of local residence.

Question: How do I update my personal information, such as address or bank details?
Answer: You can update your contact and banking details through the mySocialSecurity app using your e-ID, which is issued by the Maltese government agency Identità. Make sure to keep your details up-to-date to avoid any issues with benefit payments.

Question: What should I do if I encounter issues with my e-ID account?
Answer: If you face any problems, you can contact the social security cusomer care service, via Freephone 153 or visit a hub for assistance.

Question: How do I update my personal information, such as address or bank details?
Answer: You can update your contact and banking details through the mySocialSecurity app using your e-ID, which is issued by the Maltese government agency Identità. Make sure to keep your details up-to-date to avoid any issues with benefit payments.

Question: What happens if I come from a European Union country and I don’t want to apply for a Maltese Identity Card?
Answer: Though you have a right not to apply for a Maltese Identity Card since you are coming from a European Country, you would need to attend personally at a hub to apply for a benefit that you may request. The reason being that most of the online applications request authentication with the e-ID, of which you can only have if you are a Maltese Identity Card holder.

Question: When I visited my family doctor due to my sickness, I was given the Blue Medical Certificate, which included an original and a copy. Which one should I forward to the Department of Social Security?
Answer: The original blue medical certificate is to be submitted to the Department of Social Security while if employed, the copy of the blue medical certificate, which is the one where the doctor’s details are blacked out, will be handed to the employer.

If you are self-occupied, a copy of the Blue Medical Certificate is to be handed to your accountant. You will be exempted from paying your social security contributions for each full week covered in your blue medical certificates when certified sickness starts from a Monday or that includes in it a full week starting from a Monday.

Question: If my Blue Medical Certificate is less than four (4) days, should I still submit it to the Department of Social Security?
Answer: No, since payment is due from the fourth (4th) day of sickness. However, your employer may still request the blue medical certificate for HR purposes.

Question: Why am I paid for one (1) day of Sickness Benefit, when my blue medical certificate indicates four (4) days of sickness?
Answer: Sickness Benefit payment is due from the Department from the fourth (4th) working day of sickness The first three (3) working days are paid in full by the employer, while for the remaining days, the employer is to issue the salary less the sickness benefit amount due from the Department of Social Security.

Question: I work with the Public Service and when I submit a blue medical certificate of more than three (3) days, I do not receive sickness benefits from the Department of Social Security. Why is this?
Answer: If you are a Public Service employee you continue to receive your full salary, without any sickness benefit deductions until the exhaustion of your full pay sickness entitlement days.

Question: What happens if I am a Public Officer and have exhausted my full and half-pay sick leave days?
Answer: If you are on sick leave on half-pay and eventually on no-pay you need to inform your Human Resources department to communicate with the Department of Social Security. When on half-pay, you are entitled from the employer to receive half the basic wage less full Social Security Contributions, while the Department of Social Security pays Sickness Benefits from the commencement of half-pay sick leave. When eventually, you avail yourself of all your sickness days both full and half-pay wages you will receive the Sickness Benefit payments from the Department of Social Security. Payment of Sickness Benefits by the Department of Social Security is subject to contributory and eligibility criteria.

Question: What should I do if my illness lasts longer than fourteen (14) days?
Answer: If your illness lasts longer than fourteen (14) days, the Blue Medical Certificate must be renewed for every further two (2) weeks of sickness, until you are fit to resume work. Ensure that each certificate is properly filled and submitted within ten (10) calendar days from date of examination to the Department of Social Security.

Question: Why do I need to include details of my spouse or ex-spouse in the Blue Medical Certificate?
Answer:The payment rate for the Sickness Benefit depends on your civil status.:

  • If you are a married or cohabitating and your spouse/partner is employed, you are awarded the single rate of benefit payment.
  • If you are married or cohabitating and your spouse/partner is unemployed you are awarded the married rate of benefit payment.
  • If you are separated and not maintaining your ex-spouse, you are awarded the single rate benefit payment.
  • If you are separated and maintaining your ex-spouse, you are awarded with the married benefit rate.

Question: Why do I need to inform the department of my working days?
Answer: The Department of Social Security issues sickness benefit payment according to your working schedule as a fixed rate not exceeding six (6) days per week.

Question: What should I do if I cannot submit the Blue Medical Certificate due to hospitalisation?
Answer: If you are hospitalised and unable to submit the Blue Medical Certificate within the required ten (10) calendar days, the certificate will not be considered late if submitted once you are discharged, and is properly filled by the hospital medical practitioner, stating the exact hospitalisation dates and stamp.

However, once discharged, should you still require to be on sick leave, the blue medical certificate must be submitted regularly within ten (10) calendar days from the continuation date.

Question: How should I handle the submission of the medical certificate if my treatment abroad was an emergency requirement approved by Mater Dei?
Answer: As a result of International Bi-Lateral Agreements, patients needing medical treatment which cannot be provided in Malta will receive sickness benefit for treatment abroad for both planned or emergency requests. A Treatment Abroad Form (TAF) is filled in by the Mater Dei Entitlements Section and duly sent to the Department of Social Security from Mater Dei, whereby the payment for Sickness Benefit is issued to the applicant.

Once the patient returns from treatment abroad and resumes/continues treatment in Malta, the Blue Medical Certificate is to be submitted to the Department of Social Security as per regular procedure every ten (10) calendar days.

Question: Will the Department of Social Security accept a foreign medical certificate for Sickness Benefit claims?
Answer: Yes, when due to being temporarily abroad it is not possible to submit the blue medical certificate, the Department of Social Security accepts a foreign medical certificate for Sickness Benefit claims, provided it includes all necessary information and is properly translated. Ensure that the certificate is detailed with your personal information and accurately reflects your medical condition and treatment. You can submit the medical certificate online, or at one of the hubs.

Question: What steps should I take if I am hospitalised or require treatment abroad unexpectedly, like when on holiday or temporarily posted to work abroad and cannot submit the Blue Medical Certificate within the required timeframe?
Answer: In the case of unplanned hospitalisation or treatment abroad, you can submit the foreign medical certificate online or; upon your return. You can submit the medical certificate issued by the foreign medical practitioner. If the certificate is in a language other than English or Maltese, a translated version is to be provided. Ensure the certificate includes the dates of your hospitalisation period, the nature of your illness and a visible medical clinic stamp.

Question: What happens if I fail to submit the foreign medical certificate within the required timeframe due to hospitalisation or treatment abroad?
Answer: Unless you have already submitted your medical certificate online, upon your return to Malta, it is important to submit the foreign medical certificate as soon as possible to avoid benefit payment delays. You can submit the foreign medical certificate online.

Question: What information should be included in a foreign medical certificate?
Answer:The foreign medical certificate should include:

  • Your full name and other personal details, including your Nationality.
  • The country where you are being treated or hospitalised.
  • Period of treatment or hospitalization indicated by dates.
  • Diagnosis and nature of the illness.
  • Details of the medical treatment received.
  • Signature and contact information of the examining medical practitioner, including the Medical Clinic stamp.

Question: What is the Increased Sickness Benefit and how do I qualify for it?
Answer: Beneficiaries who have a continuous claim accepted for one hundred and fifty-six (156) days of benefit will have their claim automatically converted to Increased Sickness Benefit (ISB). The ISB rate is similar to the Invalidity Pension rate. Payment will continue to be issued either until final certificate date is submitted, or through a Medical Board decision date, or exhaustion of social security contributions, or exhaustion of four hundred and sixty-eight (468) days of benefit, whichever happens first.

Question: How can I submit the Blue Medical Certificate or a Foreign Medical Certificate to the Department of Social Security?
Answer: You can submit a copy of the original Blue Medical Certificate online by authenticating with your own e-ID. In addition, make sure that foreign medical certificates are translated in either the English or Maltese language before submission upon your return to Malta, or online.

You can also submit the original copy of the Blue Medical Certificate or a foreign medical certificate to the nearest hubs.

The Department of Social Security no longer accepts blue medical certificates submitted by third parties, whether online or forwarded to

Question: Why after being on long sick leave, my sickness benefit is suddenly stopped?
Answer: The Sickness Benefit is paid up to a maximum of six (6) months according to the amount of contributions paid before the claim. Once the exhaustion date is reached you will be required to attend a medical board examination that will decide if you are entitled to continue receiving sickness benefit or else you are fit to return to work. The medical board may also recommend that the beneficiary applies for the Invalidity Pension.

Claimant in receipt of sickness benefit while abroad may still have their claim verified by a medical board. Nevertheless, claim needs to be reviewed by the International Relations Unit once six months of sickness have elapsed.

Question: Can I request to have my Sickness Benefit payments directed to a different IBAN account from where I receive other benefits payments?
Answer: Since only one IBAN number may be provided to the Department of Social Security, any social security benefit payment is deposited in the provided bank account number. You can view or change your IBAN account number held with the by clicking here.

Question: If I have a garnishee order, can I request to have my Sickness Benefit to be paid by cheque?
Answer: No, you cannot request to have your sickness benefit paid by cheque if you have a garnishee order. In such cases, you are to inform your preferred bank, that as per Article 381 of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12.), allows to have a bank account issued in your name, wherein all Social Security payments will be deposited irrespective of any garnishee order.

Question: What is the Department of Social Security committed to?
Answer: The Department of Social Security is committed to delivering a high-quality service to our beneficiaries and customers. We understand that our services have a positive impact on people's lives, and we take our responsibility to assist and serve our customers very seriously.

Question: How does the department ensure beneficiaries receive the benefits and services they deserve?
Answer: Our team of dedicated employees works tirelessly to ensure that our beneficiaries receive the benefits and services they deserve. We are proud to provide excellent customer service and are always available to help with any questions or concerns you may have.

Question: How can I contact the Department of Social Security?
Answer: To get in touch with us, you can visit our website at or call us at Freephone 153. If you are calling from outside the country, you can reach us at +356 21255153 (Please note that this is not a freephone number).

Question: Where can I find information about customer care services and office locations?
Answer: For more information about our customer care services, including a list of's hubs (formerly known as District Offices) and their operating hours, please click here. If you require customer care services provided through Local Councils, you can find the relevant information here.

Question: How does the Department of Social Security prioritise the welfare of beneficiaries and customers?
Answer: We remain dedicated to your well-being and will continue to serve you with a sense of responsibility that has been a cornerstone of our organization's mission for years. Your welfare is our priority.

Question: What is an e-ID account?
Answer: When a Maltese resident is issued with an Identity card, they can sign up for an e-ID account, giving them access to all government online services.. The Identity Card Unit is the authority responsible for issuing e-ID accounts for an individual residing in Malta.

Question: How do I register for an e-ID account?
Answer: You must contact the Maltese Government Agency Identità at or by phone at (+356) 25904300 in order to register for an e-ID account and have your email address and Identity Card number verified. You can log in to any online government service after being authenticated.

Question: How do I log in with my e-ID account to submit a Social Security benefit application or access a service online?
Answer: To log in with your e-ID to submit a Social Security benefit application or access a service online, you must key in your Identity Card Number and password as indicated below. You will automatically be redirected to the application or service of your choice. It is of utmost importance that your e-ID password is never shared with other persons, as it holds the key to all your details and requests throughout all government departments and entities. It is adviceable to always log out once you have completed your online submissions.

e-ID sign in form

Question: What should I do if I forget my e-ID password and need to log in?
Answer: If you have forgotten your e-ID password, click 'Forgot Password,' as indicated by the arrow below. You will be prompted to enter a new password, and an email will be sent to your email address or mobile number to confirm your identity.

e-ID sign in form

Question: What should I do if I discover that my personal information is incorrect after logging in with my e-ID to submit an application?
Answer: If upon logging in with your e-ID account you notice that the information showing on screen is not correct, there are two things that you need to identify.

  • If it is the Name, Surname or Address that are incorrect, then you need to contact the Maltese Government Agency Identità on or call (+356) 25904300.
  • If the incorrect information is about your email address or contact number then you must update this information by logging in to the site with your e-ID credentials and change the details from under the Contact Settings section. This is an instant change with the information provided. From this site you can also change your own e-ID password.

Question:Why should I use my e-ID for submitting an application or access a service?
Answer: There are various benefits when using your e-ID account to submit an application or to access a service online. Such advantages include faster, more convenient, and immediate access to services without the hassle of physically attending while waiting in line at a hub. Aside from that, it is a safe way to submit an application or access personal information.

Question:What will I gain by submitting an application online using my e-ID account?
Answer: When submitting an online application through your e-ID account, you will receive an automatic email notification upon submission of the application including a Reference Number related to the application, if you opt to insert your preferred email address during the process. This would be an acknowledgement that the application has been received at the Department of Social Security.

Question:What will I gain by accessing online services using my e-ID account?
Answer: If you are accessing online services by authenticating with your e-ID account, you will be provided with realtime information regarding personal details as held by the Department of Social Security. Changes to your other personal information held by the Department of Social Security can be made using these online services, which can be accessed via mySocialSecurity web app. Also, through the Application Monitoring service, you can also view the status of your application requests.

A new Central Bank directive that came into force on 01/01/2022 will eliminate the use of cheque payments of €20 or less. The new Central Bank regulations on cheques are intended to govern the use of this means of payment while incentivizing people to make use of electronic payment methods.

Question: Will a cheque issued by the Department of Social Security by the 31/12/2021 in the amount of €20 or less be redeemable?
Answer: A cheque issued in the amount of €20 or less with a date up to the end of 2021 will be redeemable. For example, a cheque dated 28/12/2021 has a six-month period up to when it may be cashed, i.e. the bank is obliged to cash that cheque of €20 or less.

Question: Will a payment issued by the Department of Social Security after 31/12/2021 of €20 or less made by direct payment to the bank be affected?
Answer: If a beneficiary is already being paid by the Department of Social Security by direct bank deposit or the banking details held with the Department of Social Security are updated so that a payment can be made by direct bank deposit, a payment issued by the Department of Social Security after 31/12/2021 of €20 or less will not be affected.

Question: Can I verify that my banking details held with the Department of Social Security are up to date?
Answer: You can verify your banking details held with the Department of Social Security through the Web App or by visiting one of hubs.

Question: Can I change my banking details held with the Department of Social Security online or by visiting one of the hubs?
Answer: Through the Web App you can change the details of how you are paid. If payments are currently being paid by the Department of Social Security by cheque, you can change the details in order to start receiving the payment by a direct bank deposit. If you are already being paid by a bank deposit, you can change both the bank and the account number, which account must always be a Savings or Current Account, but not a Loan Account. The indicated account must be in the name of the beneficiary. The bank account details provided will also be used for all benefits that you may be currently receiving. You can also choose to receive an SMS notification with the date of the deposit of your benefit.

You can also visit one of hubs to change your banking details held with the Department of Social Security.

Question: What happens, if my banking details held with the Department of Social Security are not updated to receive a social security payment due by direct bank deposit after 01/01/2022 if the payment is €20 or less?
Answer: If your banking details held with the Department of Social Security are not up to date to receive payment by direct bank deposit, a payment which is of €20 or less will not be issued. Thereafter, you will receive a notification letter by post requesting you to update your banking details, online or by visiting one of hubs to change your banking details held with the Department of Social Security. Once the banking details are updated, the department will issue the payment due by a direct bank deposit.

Question: What are the details required for a payment to be made by a direct bank deposit?
Answer: The requested details are the bank branch of your choice in which you prefer that the payment by direct bank deposit, as well as your International Bank Account Number (IBAN), which account, must always be a Savings or Current Account, but not a Loan Account. The indicated account must be in the name of the beneficiary.

By virtue of the amendment to Article 381 of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure, Cap.12. of the Laws of Malta, it was established that a garnishee order may not be issued not only on any benefit, pension, allowance or aid referred to in the Social Security Act (Cap.318.) or private pension or any other pension, benefit or allowance issued by the Government or another foreign government, but also on bank accounts which are used in order for beneficiaries to receive the said benefits.

By virtue of this amendment, it has also been established that local banks must ensure that the social benefits received in the beneficiaries’ accounts are not affected by the effect of a garnishee order. In addition, the amendment also stipulates that local banks must open separate bank accounts in which each beneficiary can receive social benefits.

Accordingly, any individual benefiting from a social benefit listed above must, in the event of an garnishee order being issued on his bank accounts, immediately contact his bank in order to release such benefits from the effect of the garnishee order.

Question: Since when did the amendment to the law governing a garnishee order on social benefits come into force?
Answer: As of 29/10/2021, Article 381 of the Code of Organization and Civil Procedure (Cap.12.) has been amended so as not to withhold any benefits against garnishee order. If you have a garnishee order, please inform your preferred bank of the amendment to Article 318 of the Code of Organization and Civil Procedure, so that you can have a bank account issued in your name as required.

Question: What should I do if I receive a garnishee order and am receving a social benefit?
Answer: If you receive garnishee order,  you contact your local bank immediately so that your benefits will not be adversely affected by the effect of the garnishee order?

Question: Do I need proof or documentation to be provided to the bank?
Answer: The Department of Social Security will take care to provide the individual with the required documentation so that he can provide it to a bank. It is therefore in your best interest to request the documentation from the Department so that you can provide it to your local bank by calling Freephone 153 or visiting one of the hubs.

Question: What should I do if a garnishee order was issued before this amendment was introduced?
Answer: This amendment will apply to those garnishee orders that have entered into force after the amendment was introduced. In the case of garnishee orders issued before the introduction of this amendment, the individual may still contact the bank so that from the date on which the contact is made, the benefits will cease to be affected by the effect of the garnishee order.

Question: I have money in my personal account other than social benefits, how will these be affected?
Answer: If you have non-social benefits in your bank account, they will be affected by the garnishee order. Only social benefits as stated in the law will not be affected by the effect of the garnishee order.

Question: If I have a bank account in which I receive social benefits and I receive a garnishee order, what will the bank do?
Answer: After contacting the bank, the social benefits should not be affected by the effect of the garnishee order. The law also stipulates that the bank may open another separate account in your name that is used exclusively for social benefit deposits. In this case, you must immediately inform the Department of Social Security regarding the IBAN number of this new account.

Question: Can I receive the benefit by check instead?
Answer: The amendment to the law has been introduced so that any benefit, allowance, allowance or pension paid under the Social Security Act (Cap. 318.), is not seized under a garnishee order. Therefore, the Department of Social Security encourages you to receive your payments in a bank account.

Question: So far, I receive the benefit by cheque. If I have a garnishee order, what should I do?
Answer: If payments are currently being made by the Department of Social Security and you receive a garnishee order, you should immediately contact your local bank so that, as required by law, the bank may open an account in your name that is used exclusively for social benefit deposits.

Question: Will I still receive the benefit by cheque?
Answer: If payments are currently being made by the Department of Social Security by cheque, you can update the details so that you can start receiving the payment by direct deposit at the bank. It is planned that cheque payments will no longer be issued in the near future.

Question: Should the bank withhold my payment, what should I do?
Answer: A garnishee order cannot be issued on any benefit, pension, allowance or assistance referred to in the Social Security Act (Cap.318.), as well as on bank accounts that are used for beneficiaries to receive the said benefits. Hence, you must contact your local bank immediately so that such benefits are released from the effect of the garnishee order. If for any reason after contacting the bank they still withhold your payment, you should immediately notify the Department of Social Security by calling Freephone 153 or visiting one of the hubs.

Question: What should be done in case of a person’s death in Malta?
Answer: Anyone can register a death that took place in Malta and this can be done in person at one of the Public Registry offices. During such visit, the deceased’s identity card would have to be returned. Thus, it is advisable for relatives / friends of the deceased to make a copy of the identity card.

Question: What should be done when a Social Security beneficiary passes away?
Answer: One should submit a copy of the original death or burial certificate online to the Department of Social Security or visit the nearest hub. The death can be reported by anyone, provided that the original death certificate or burial certificate is available.

Question: What are the consequences of failing to report the death of a Social Security beneficiary?
Answer: Failing to report the death of a Social Security beneficiary can have serious consequences.

  • Social security benefits paid by direct credit in the deceased’s bank account or cheques cashed after the beneficiary’s death are not due and must be refunded to the Department of Social Security (DSS) by the spouse or heirs.
  • Continue to cash payments of a deceased person is a crime and leads to prosecution.
  • Failing to report a death may lose the right to potential survivors the eligibility for a widow’s pension.
  • Question: What is the first step to apply for Social Security survivor benefits?
    Answer: Reporting a death is the initial step. The subsequent step is the widow/er’s pension notification issued by the DSS, which requires the provision of an IBAN account number that belongs solely to the surviving spouse.

    Question: What happens if the date of death coincides with a payment of Social Security Benefits?
    Answer: If the date of death coincides with the payment date, no overpayment is created. However, if the beneficiary received a payment after the date of death or any later months, that payment is considered as an overpayment and would have to be refunded to the DSS by the spouse or heirs.

    Question: What happens to a married pension rate if a spouse passes away?
    Answer: If the spouse of the pensioner passes away, the pension rate is converted to a single person. However, the pension rate does not change in some cases.

    Question: Can the heirs request to receive the balance of Social Security Benefits?
    Answer: Any outstanding arrears due to the deceased beneficiary can be claimed by the heirs by filling in and submitting the application online.