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Submit Documents Online

01/03/2023 | Latest News

This service allows you to upload copies of documents requested by the Department of Social Security in a letter of notification to the claimant, known as a Call Letter. As a result, the Department of Social Security sends a Call Letter to the Claimant, to be informed of which additional documents are required to complete the processing of a submitted or a request for revision application.

The requested documents must be prepared as a scanned copy once the claimant receives a Call Letter before being uploaded online. During this process, the online service may request additional information. The deadline for submissions will be specified in the Call Letter. If the requested information is not received on time, the entitlement to the benefit, or a portion of it, may be delayed or forfeited.

All attachments are immediately saved to the Department’s Documents Repository after being uploaded. The Department of Social Security then verifies these for accuracy and validity.

Aside from adopting a once-only principle for documentation used within different sections, attachments would no longer need to be printed because they would already be available online. This increases efficiency while saving money on document printing and storage. In addition, the claimant can submit all required documents online at his leisure, eliminating the need to visit a hub.

To use this service, you will need:

  • The Document Number as indicated in the Call Letter, if you choose to authenticate with your e-ID account, which is issued by Identity Malta.
  • The Document Number together with your Identity Card Number, if you choose not to authenticate with your e-ID.
  • The scanning of the documents submitted, can be done using any kind of device, as long as they are saved in the listed format of .pdf, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .png, .tiff, .doc and .docx. The size of each document must not be of more than 5MB, up to a total of 10MB for the full submission.

An e-ID account issued by Identity Malta to Submit Documents Online. Click here to create your e-ID account.

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