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Subsidiary Unemployment Assistance (DSS)


Subsidiary Unemployment Assistance may be awarded to:

  • A person having a Subsidiary Protection Status.
  • A person who is unemployed and satisfies the means test as per Social Security Act (Cap. 318.).
  • A single person or person Responsible for the Household who has other family members living within the same household.

What you’ll get

A Subsidiary Unemployment Assistance beneficiary is only paid the core benefit and is awarded by weekly based payments.

If the Person Responsible for the Household is living on his own, Subsidiary Unemployment Assistance will be awarded in his own right. However, if the household is formed of other family members, the person responsible for the household will be awarded Subsidiary Unemployment Assistance which will include entitlement for other eligible family members forming part of that household.

The Subsidiary Unemployment Assistance rate may increase by the additional applicable rate for an additional household member. On the other hand, if a household member leaves, the rate may be deducted accordingly.

Any change in circumstance, such as change of address, additional child, changes in household composition, death, court procedures, travel abroad/leaving the island for any reason and for any period of time, is to be reported immediately to the Department of Social Security.

Please click here for a Schedule of Benefits Rates.

Application Requirements

Fill in and submit the application online.

Documentation required

General documentation:

  • A valid Subsidiary Protection Certificate issued by the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Malta.
  • The lastest Water and Electricity Bill of where the applicant is living at.
  • All recent Bank Statements (local and foreign bank accounts).
  • Relative documents regarding value of any Stocks/Shares/Bonds and the income derived thereof.
  • Market value of any vacant property in Malta and/or abroad (not being House of Residence and/or Summer Residence).
  • Copy of latest rent receipt/rent agreement if applicant resides in rented house.
  • Copy of rent agreement if rent is derived from other properties.
  • Relative statements / documents regarding income derived from foreign pensions.
  • Separation / Divorce documents if applicable.


General eligibility criteria:

  • The applicant is the Person Responsible for the Household.
  • The applicant is unemployed.
  • The applicant must be in possession of a valid Subsidiary Protection Certificate.
  • The applicant must be in possession of a valid Identity Card.
  • The applicant must declare any Capital or Income deposited in Malta and/or abroad.
  • The applicant must satisfy the Capital Means Test. Capital resources must not exceed €23,.300 (in case of a couple), and €14,000 (in case of a single person).
  • Any income deriving from Rents, Bank Interest from Capital, Stocks and Shares, and any other Income derived (whether from Malta and/or abroad), Alimony/Maintenance, must not exceed the maximum Subsidiary Unemployment Assistance rate as per household.

A beneficiary is to call at a hub in person whenever he/she is notified, to present a Life Certificate issued by the Income Support and Compliance Division.