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Once-only Grant – Corporations and Entities in the Public Sector


In order to implement one of the measures identified in Budget 2024, the Prime Minister, the Minister for Finance and the Minister for Social Policy and Children’s Rights have developed the following scheme to provide a once-only grant for persons who:

  • were employed by corporations or entities in the public sector on their discharge from one of the labour corps established before 1979; or
  • were employed in the Gas Board until its dissolution and afterwards were employed by Enemalta Corporation; or
  • were apprentices in the Malta Electricity Board until its dissolution and afterwards were employed by Enemalta Corporation.


“effective period” means the period between 16th January 1979, or the date of the official appointment of an applicant with a corporation or entity in the public sector if such date is after the above-mentioned date, and the date when such applicant terminated his employment in the public sector.

What you’ll get

The grant will be paid only to  eligible applicants who qualify and comply with the provisions of this Scheme.

The payment of the grant shall be paid to applicants by:

  • Cheque sent by post to the address shown on the application form, or
  • Be deposited directly into a bank account were the pension of the same applicant is deposited.

No interests are due to the applicant on the amount of this grant. The condition of this Scheme for those accepting the grant, is that the applicant shall be renouncing to any other claim related to this Scheme and withdraw any case instituted against Government, Authority or Government entity.

The Scheme may be spread over a number of years with separate calls for applications that are issued from time to time.  Each call for application shall be subject to a separate verification process.


General eligibility criteria: 

  • This Scheme applies to applicants served in the public sector during the effective period. The applicant shall only be entitled to a once-only grant in respect of the service rendered during the effective period.
  • The Scheme also applies to the heirs of such individuals if they satisfy the conditions of this Scheme.
  • The Scheme does not apply to individuals who are in receipt of, or have a right to receive, a pension under the Pensions Ordinance (Cap. 93.), the Police Act (Cap. 164.) or the Malta Armed Forces Act (Cap. 220.) or any other service pension.

How to apply

Persons who applied and were eligible under the Scheme issued last year and are still eligible to receive payment under the same Scheme need not re-apply.

For an eligible deceased applicant or authorized heir, a new application has to be submitted by the authorised heir.

New applicants who are entitled under the qualifying period, including the heirs where applicable, may apply for the grant in respect of the service provided during the effective period.

Applications for this Scheme are to be inserted in the application form under the Schedule and shall contain the information and details as required in the said form and under this same Scheme.

In a scenario where an application for this Scheme is made on behalf of a deceased person, these are required to be presented by the heirs. If there is more than one heir, one application has to be presented by the authorised heir. Along with the application, a notary statement should be appended declaring the heirs of the deceased and the authorised one.  The statement should clearly indicate that the deceased person was eligible to apply for this scheme. The Department of Social Security reserves the right to request further documents in addition to the above mentioned statement.

Applications should be accompanied by any documents and other information that might be requested by the Minister for Finance or the Minister for Social Policy and Children’s Rights.

Applications under this Scheme, including all related documents, shall be submitted by not later than  31st July 2024. You can download the application by clicking here.

This application together with all the relevant documents are to be sent by post to the Department of Social Security, 38, Ordnance Street, Valletta, VLT 1021, or by sending us an email on or by visiting one of the hubs.