Latest News
The Government is to assist those persons who were going to have a reduction in their pension
The Government amended the Social Security Act for persons born between 1 January 1956 and 31 December 1961, with the aim to ameliorate the negative effects that came along with the Covid-19...
Issuing of the 6 Monthly letters to all Pension groups
The Department of Social Security will be issuing the 6 Monthly letters to all Pension groups which will include the FS3 amount for the year 2020. The postage of these letters will be as follows:...
Social benefits will no longer be subject to garnishee orders
A process is currently underway to amend legislation; in that, no social benefits and social housing benefits will be subject to a garnishee order that a person may have issued on his assets. The...
Improved payments for another sector of pensioners
Around 44,500 pensioners will benefit from improved payments from another two social measures; the Senior Citizen Grant and the Bonus given to those persons who did not pay enough social...
More than 93,000 pensioners benefit from a rise in pensions
Stqarrija mill-Ministeru għall-Familja, Drittijiet tat-Tfal u Solidarjetà Soċjali: Jibda jitħallas is-suppliment ta’ €250 lil kull familja intitolata għal In-Work Benefit
Jibda jitħallas is-suppliment ta’ €250 lil kull familja intitolata għal In-Work Benefit (Maltese version only)
More than 93,000 pensioners benefit from a rise in pensions More than 93,000 pensioners are benefitting from a rise in pensions, as promised by the government. Every pensioner will notice a rise...
Latest Publications
NOTE: We try to update the Handbooks content on an ongoing basis as changes occur. However, in case of a conflict between the contents of the Handbook and the Act, Regulations and Rulings, the latter take precedence.
Manual on Social Security Contributions, Benefits and Pensions
Media Production
(maltese version only)
Pension Reform
Service Pensions Manual (PDF Format)