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FSS Prescribed Percentage Request

Overview In Malta, personal taxation operates on a general principle: if you are domiciled and ordinarily resident in the country, you must declare all income, including that of your spouse and...

Proceeding Abroad Notification

Overview If you are a DSS beneficiary receiving a social security benefit under the Social Security Act (Cap. 318.) it is important that any changes in your circumstances are reported immediately...

Blue Medical Certificate Address Details

If you are a claimant for sickness benefit, you need to be aware of the importance of your blue medical certificate address details. This is the address that you write on the blue medical...

Latest Publications

NOTE: We try to update the Handbooks content on an ongoing basis as changes occur. However, in case of a conflict between the contents of the Handbook and the Act, Regulations and Rulings, the latter take precedence.

Annual Reports
DSS Publications 

Manual on Social Security Contributions, Benefits and Pensions 

Media Production
(maltese version only)

mySocialSecurity Guidebook
National study on the adequacy of Unemployment Benefits in Malta 
Office of the Umpire Booklet
Our Charter Booklet

Pension Reform

Service Design Booklet

Service Pensions Manual (PDF Format)