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Proceeding Abroad Notification

01/12/2023 | Latest News


If you are a DSS beneficiary receiving a social security benefit under the Social Security Act (Cap. 318.) it is important that any changes in your circumstances are reported immediately to the Department of Social Security so as not to incur any overpayments. It is important, that you check the changes in circumstance that require to be reported according to the benefit you are receiving.

If you are planning to travel abroad for more than three (3) months from Malta, whether temporarily or permanently, it is important to notify the Department of Social Security to ensure  and evaluate eligibility, of whether to terminate or for continuity of your social security benefits payments. This also includes the updating of the contact details held by the department. Proceeding Abroad from Malta, refers to the action of leaving Malta to travel or relocate to a foreign country.

You must keep in mind that upon applying for a benefit from the Department of Social Security of Malta, you had declared to inform the Department of Social Security of any change in circumstances to the Director General (Social Security). If the Director General (Social Security) is not informed of such change in circumstance, entitlement for the benefit, or part of, may be forfeited, which may also result in an overpayment.

A Non-Contributory Benefit or Assistance paid under the Social Security Act (Cap. 318.) is not exportable, meaning that the benefit or assistance received will be stopped. Therefore, if you are receiving these types of benefits and relocate to another country outside Malta, you would no longer be eligible to receive the non-contributory benefit or assistance that was awarded to you. However, limited travel restrictions are permitted for specific benefits, which include Social Assistance and Age Pension.

On the other hand, specific Contributory Benefits and pensions paid under the Social Security Act (Cap. 318.) which include the Retirement Pension, Widow/er’s and Invalidity Pensions, Unemployment Benefit and Sickness Benefit, are exportable. Eligibility to Unemployment Benefit is exportable within the European Union (EU) only, denoting that the benefits or Pensions paid will be continued to be received.

What You’ll Get

By notifying the DSS about your change in circumstances of proceeding abroad from Malta, you’ll ensure that your social security benefits and information are properly managed during your time abroad. This includes updates to your contact details, ensuring your benefits continue without interruption, where applicable.


Residents of Malta who are planning to travel or relocate to a foreign country are to:

  • Indicate the country you are proceeding to.
  • Specify the nature and duration of your travel.
  • Indicate whether you are “Proceeding or Relocating abroad” or “Proceeding Permanently abroad” and fill in the corresponding dates.
  • New Contact Details, if proceeding permanently or relocating for more than sixty (60) days abroad. In the case of beneficiaries in receipt of Children’s Allowance the new Contact Details are required, if proceeding abroad for more than ninety (90) days.


A person receiving an Age Pension, which is a Non-Contributory pension, can travel for a maximum of three (3) months to Australia, New Zealand or Canada during a calendar year, without losing any entitlement of that type of pension.Beneficiaries of Social

Assistance and Age Pension can travel for up to a maximum of one (1) month in a calendar year to a country outside the European Union (EU).

Consent will only be granted, if you inform the Department of Social Security prior to your departure. Failure to report your travel, even if you have visited these countries, may result in the discontinuation of benefit payments.


Contributory benefits and pensions paid under the Social Security Act (Cap. 318.) are exportable within the twenty-seven (27) European Union (EU) and also including Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and in specific circumstances, to the UK. These  include:

  • Contributory Pension, Widow/ers’ Pensions and Invalidity Pensions. These are contributory pensions paid under the Social Security Act (Cap. 318.) and are exportable anywhere worldwide.
  • Children Allowances are exportable in the twenty-seven (27) European Union (EU) countries and including Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and where applicable for UK.
  • Unemployment Benefits and Sickness Benefits are exportable in the twenty-seven (27) EU countries and also including Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and in specific circumstances, to the UK.

How to Submit a Proceeding Abroad Notification

To report a change in circumstances for when proceeding abroad whether temporary or permanently, please click here.