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Retirement Pension


Retirement Pension

Applicant’s Details

Civil Status

Maximum file size: 2MB

Maximum file size: 2MB

Maximum file size: 2MB

Contact Details

Application Details

Are you in receipt of a Service Pension awarded under the provisions of the Pensions Ordinance (Cap. 93.) for services rendered to the Maltese Public Service or a Pension for services rendered to an employer or to a company that employed you?

Maximum file size: 2MB


i. If you have any missing Social Security Contributions, the Department may need to request details from the Commissioner of Inland Revenue or ask you for copies of the FS3s issued by your employer/s.
ii. If you were self-occupied, please provide copies of contributions receipts.

Are you a Director or majority shareholder or the biggest shareholder whether equally with other shareholders? Are you family related with other Directors and/or shareholders?

Maximum file size: 2MB

Latest employment
Have you worked abroad?
Kindly provide the Social Security number/s and respective country if you worked abroad
[+] add country
[+] add country
Have you terminated your employment to take care of your children?
Kindly provide children’s details
[+] add child
[+] add child
[+] add child
Kindly state whether you intend to continue with your gainful occupation after you reach pension age

Bank Account Details

If you have a garnishee order, please inform your preferred bank about the amendment to Article 381 of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap.12.), to have a bank account issued in your name accordingly.

Benefit must be deposited in a Savings or Current Account, but not a Loan Account. The indicated account must be in the name of the beneficiary. The bank account details provided will also be used for all benefits that you may be currently receiving.

Maximum file size: 2MB

Other Necessary Documents

No application will be accepted without the necessary documents

Maximum file size: 2MB

Maximum file size: 2MB

Application is submitted by

Read the Social Security Declaration

Read the Data Protection Declaration

I accept the Social Security and the Data Protection Declarations

Maximum file size: 2MB