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The Government is to assist those persons who were going to have a reduction in their pension
The Government amended the Social Security Act for persons born between 1 January 1956 and 31 December 1961, with the aim to ameliorate the negative effects that came along with the Covid-19...
Issuing of the 6 Monthly letters to all Pension groups
The Department of Social Security will be issuing the 6 Monthly letters to all Pension groups which will include the FS3 amount for the year 2020. The postage of these letters will be as follows:...
Social benefits will no longer be subject to garnishee orders
A process is currently underway to amend legislation; in that, no social benefits and social housing benefits will be subject to a garnishee order that a person may have issued on his assets. The...
Improved payments for another sector of pensioners
Around 44,500 pensioners will benefit from improved payments from another two social measures; the Senior Citizen Grant and the Bonus given to those persons who did not pay enough social...
More than 93,000 pensioners benefit from a rise in pensions
Stqarrija mill-Ministeru għall-Familja, Drittijiet tat-Tfal u Solidarjetà Soċjali: Jibda jitħallas is-suppliment ta’ €250 lil kull familja intitolata għal In-Work Benefit
Jibda jitħallas is-suppliment ta’ €250 lil kull familja intitolata għal In-Work Benefit (Maltese version only)
More than 93,000 pensioners benefit from a rise in pensions More than 93,000 pensioners are benefitting from a rise in pensions, as promised by the government. Every pensioner will notice a rise...