Payments Dates
It is simple to find out when to anticipate receiving your benefit payments thanks to the calendar of social security Payments Dates for the current year that is organized by clusters. The payments dates for social security benefits, which can be made for a weekly, four (4) week, or thirteen (13) week period, are displayed in chronological sequence. On Saturdays, payments are made through direct credit, which means they are transferred directly into your bank account.
If the Social Security Department notified you that your application for a social security benefit was approved, you may be wondering when you will receive your first payment. The Social Security Department sends you a letter informing you of the amount and the first payment deposit date.
What you’ll get
View a schedule of payments dates for social security benefits for the current year, organised by cluster.
Benefits Payments Dates Clusters:
- Contributory Pensions.
- Family Benefits.
- Grants, Benefits and Schemes.
- Medical Assistance.
- Non-Contributory Benefits.
- Work, Incentives and Unemployment Benefits.
General eligibility criteria:
Any citizen can access the schedule of payments dates for social security benefits.
How to access the service
To access the Payments Dates service, click here.